Looking for  the Leib(b)rand(t) roots in Württemberg July 2004

On the way to have a holiday in Austria, we spend the night in the village Ilsfeld in Württemberg.
Ilsfeld is the village where our Amsterdam-Leibbrandt branch originates.
My great-grandfather Johan Gottfried Leibbrandt emigrated in 1839 from Ilsfeld. On his way to the USA, Johan Gottfried passed Amsterdam, changed his plans and settled down in Amsterdam. See http://www.leibbrandt.com/stamm.htm
After 1850 all Leibbrandts were disappeared from Ilsfeld. That was also recorded in the "Ilsfelder Heimatbuch" that us was shown in the typical Württemberger hotel "Gasthof OCHSEN" where we spent the night:

Gasthof OCHSEN, Click to enlarge
Gasthof OCHSEN, Click to enlarge

On our way back to the Netherlands we were the guests of Bernd and Annette Schaefer-Leibbrandt in Stuttgart (Württemberg).
Bernd is the eldest son of the famous Sidney Robey Leibbrandt who wanted to "liberate" South Africa in 1940. This has been described in Photo's + Al die BOEKE waarin oor Robey Leibbrandt geskryf is.

In 2000 Bernd suggested and helped me to start with the genealogy of the Leibbrand(t) family. Since then all available L-genaelogy was collected and compiled in the Leibbrandt genealogical tree.

Bernd and Hans
Bernd and Hans updating the data of Bernd's South African family.

Bernd and Hans
Bernd, Hans, Ina and Annette at diner with a splendid panoramic view over Württemberg's landscape.

We visited also the senior Leibbrand genealogist Dipl-Ing.Walter Leibbrand, born 22 April 1921, who lives in Kernen-Stetten im Remstal, which is also in Württemberg, near Stuttgart.
Walter, and also his father have worked all their life on the genealogy of the Leibbrand(t) family
You can find a German letter from him at Walter Leibbrand's umfangreiche Genealogie, MS-WORD-file
but his files were at that time not ready to be published.
In the past, Walter was also visited by Dr. George Leibbrand (Reichsamtsleiter am Reichsministerium für die besetzten etc.)
Walter's files run on a modern Apple computer in Adobe PageMaker file format. He gave us a 41 printed pages of the
"Stammtafel der Lauffener / Bönnigheimer Leibbrand (Leyprand)"
His files have an extreme quality and accuracy.
This Leibbrandt Lauffen-tree includes almost all Leib(b)rand(t)'s, period 1550 - 1850 in
- Lauffen am Neckar (Württemberg, Germany)
- Bönnigheim (Württemberg, Germany)
- Markgröningen (Württemberg, Germany)
- Schwaigern (Württemberg, Germany)
- Ilsfeld (Württemberg, Germany)
- Steinheim an der Murr (Württemberg, Germany)
- Hoffnungstal (Ukraine, Russia)
- Hoffnungsfeld (Ukraine, Russia)
- Aurora (Nebraska, USA)
- McCook, Nebraska, USA
I scanned the papers and filed them in HTML and MS-Word format:
See:Leibbrandt Lauffen-tree, on-line version, 100 KB and
Leibbrandt Lauffen-tree, MS-WORD-file, 400 KB
The Lauffen branches in the L-genealogy on this site Leibbrandt genealogical tree
are updated with input from Walter's file.

Walter died in 2013 at the age of 92 years, and I inherited all his Leibbrand-genealogy files. His files can be found on this website and all his Leibbrand-genealogy information is since 2013 included in the Leibbrandt genealogical tree.

While Bernd and I were Walter's guests, Annette and Ina visited the splendid Residential Palace Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart:

Palace Ludwigsburg

The Residential Palace "Residenzschloss" Ludwigsburg in Württemberg forms the magnificent centrepiece of Ludwigsburg:
Built between 1704 and 1733 by Duke Eberhard Ludwig, it is one of the largest Baroque palaces in Germany and comprises 18 buildings with a total of 452 rooms.
The "Swabian Versailles" is surrounded by the permanent blooming Barock Garden Show, a unique park containing landscaped gardens from different eras and regions covering an area of more than 30 hectares. Continuously changing exhibitions, flower shows and the fantastic magical world of the Fairy-Tale Garden make a visit to the Blühendes Barock a real treat for the whole family.

August 2004, Hans Leibbrandt in the Netherlands.